solutions to individuals and organisations

- About Us
- Specialist Areas
- Develop High Value Business Relationships
- Build High Performing Teams
- Drive Strategy and Change
- Facilitate Culture Change within Teams and Organisations
- Create Strong Feedback Cultures
- Maintain Healthy Work Environments
- Build Leadership and Management Capability
- Develop Business Capability and Skills
- Our approach
- Our work
- Get in touch
- About Us
- Specialist Areas
- Develop High Value Business Relationships
- Build High Performing Teams
- Drive Strategy and Change
- Facilitate Culture Change within Teams and Organisations
- Create Strong Feedback Cultures
- Maintain Healthy Work Environments
- Build Leadership and Management Capability
- Develop Business Capability and Skills
- Our approach
- Our work
- Get in touch
Annabelle Beckwith
Annabelle has nearly 20 years experience working with business leaders to build skills and confidence at all organisational levels – because yes, impostor syndrome can strike even those in the upper echelons of global organisations.
Her passion is for working with individuals and enabling them to do…and to be… more than they thought they could, by combining challenge of the individual to step up to their potential with compassion for the human frailties which we all carry.
Her design methods draw upon her own creative style to include experiential and accelerated learning techniques. Influences include anything from orchestral conducting to the politics of medieval history to the operating theatre…and anywhere else where valuable business lessons can be learned from the unexpected.
It’s also based on a deep understand of the human condition and how everyday psychology plays out in the workplace, and yet often goes un-noticed.
Annabelle has designed and / or delivered a wide range of leadership and management training and coaching programmes over the years, for clients like Avon Cosmetics, RBS, Formica, BAe Systems, Shell, Edrington Distillers, Sky TV, Standard Life, Spirit Aerosystems and many many more.
She’s a contributor to various online publications (such and Thrive and FutureSharks) and a speaker at events for entrepreneurs and business owners , and her work has taken her across the UK and Europe to the Middle East, Asia, the Far East and to the USA.